If the current AWS set up is running with Instance-store root devices, then this means it does not have permament storage. If any one by mistake shutdown instance .. all data will be loose
We need EC2 Instancre with EBS backed, means that it has a Permament storage. so if any one shutdown instance also data won't loose.
Check the below screen shoots to create an amazon instance
1. EC2
2. ec2

3. NewInstance
4. Select-an-ebs-os
5. Launch-Instance
6. launching-instance
7. Setting-key&value
8. Generating key-pair
9. Setting-firewall-rules
10. Final-instance-before-launch
11. Instance-details-with-local-ip-and-publicDNS
12. Launching-instances
13. ssh-to-the-server
14. ssh-error-bcz-of-permission
15. Inside-amazon-instance
Use the .pem file for doing ssh into the server ctechzkey.pem
Public DNS: ec2-107-21-185-85.compute-1.amazonaws.com
# ping ec2-107-21-185-85.compute-1.amazonaws.com
We need EC2 Instancre with EBS backed, means that it has a Permament storage. so if any one shutdown instance also data won't loose.
Check the below screen shoots to create an amazon instance
1. EC2
2. ec2

3. NewInstance
4. Select-an-ebs-os
5. Launch-Instance
6. launching-instance
7. Setting-key&value
8. Generating key-pair
9. Setting-firewall-rules
10. Final-instance-before-launch
11. Instance-details-with-local-ip-and-publicDNS
12. Launching-instances
13. ssh-to-the-server
14. ssh-error-bcz-of-permission
15. Inside-amazon-instance
Use the .pem file for doing ssh into the server ctechzkey.pem
Public DNS: ec2-107-21-185-85.compute-1.amazonaws.com
# ping ec2-107-21-185-85.compute-1.amazonaws.com
# ssh -i ctechz/ctechzkey.pem root@ec2-107-21-185-85.compute-1.amazonaws.com
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