New SSH-KeyPair on aws server
1. Open aws interface Network & Security --------> KeyPair and generate a new keypair
2. Press "Create key Pair" tab and generate a new keypair, Download it and save it in a location
3. chmod 600 tintinctechz.pem ---- give the file a secure permission
4. Then using ssh-keygen(authentication key generation)generate a new authkey for new .pem file
$ ssh-keygen -y
Enter file in which the key is (/home/tech/.ssh/id_rsa): tintinctechz.pem
-------- Give the .pem file name or location here
ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCsm9OwjJiaTgnhlh9PEZZjVwzHixrhMET0oHv6aREqQ9K1qtvQU0Zg8VvYmKASXiYIrrzbHiK8+QVo9DwbJ4a+em0+bj+fqm2hhpROV63+Y4XCt9Em8fUrNnJPN4GMKfHEPF1B4sWbh3phLYKThKa4FhW71D6ZZTDR7Vn4R0XdqShHMt8rlBYtxAuMkAcIDQGPBuVeBPgx3pgRboFUcIKZ/Iix/Zg2QKA51Ak3zFApIawyEd2oKQxMFcgOG20+ls448sxuKZ+b1fqYv92tpdvVegB4rO52QrzGNGqGsLInEw5uryznjBf2EhgjKI5RvBSWRmjUTYT6FSrA8il+pH+1
5. Copy this key and login into aws server and replace this key with current key in "authorized_keys"
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