What is a Public Private and Hybrid Cloud

Public Cloud

A Public Cloud is one that’s based on the standard cloud
computing model where services, applications and storage 
are made available to users over the Internet 
‘as a service' typically on a Pay Per Use model.

Appealing to many businesses as they reduce complexity and lead times. Because the underlying architecture is fixed, 

there is less scope for customisation for security and performance.

There are many types of Public Cloud, the most common being Infrastructure as a service(IaaS),Platform as a service(PaaS), Software as a service(SaaS)and Desktop as a service(DaaS) platforms – all of which we make available to the channel through our proprietary Cloud services.

Suited to:– Companies that need to bring a service to market quickly,have less regulatory hurdles to overcome,

or are looking to outsource part or all of their organisational IT requirements.Under this scenario,the business can simply sign-up for and start using Cloud Computing,online storage and other services immediately.

Private Cloud

Private Clouds consist of cloud infrastructure 

that is deployed solely for a single organization, whether
managed internally or hosted by a third-party externally.

Private Clouds offer scope for advanced security, high availability or fault tolerant solutions that are not possible in a Public Cloud.

Suited to :– Businesses that must comply with strict regulations or that have highly critical applications will choose internal Private Clouds. With a private cloud, businesses install their own server and storage hardware but have the flexibility to shift workloads among servers as usage spikes or 

they deploy new applications.

Hybrid Cloud

As the name suggests, a hybrid cloud comprises both private

(internal) and public (external) cloud services.
Typically a business might run an application primarily on a private cloud, but rely on a public cloud to accommodate spikes in usage.

Suited to:- E-commerce, Because e-commerce sites must 

respond to fluctuations in traffic both on a daily and seasonal cycle, the actual work of processing the orders can benefit from the elastic characteristics of public cloud resources.
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