Install LibreOffice 4.0.2 on RHEL/CentOS 6.3/5.9 and Fedora 18/12

Install LibreOffice 4.0.2 on RHEL/CentOS 6.3/5.9 and Fedora 18/12

In our earlier article we’ve provided instructions on Apache OpenOffice 3.4.1 installation, now here in this article we are introducing a newly released LibreOffice 4.0.2 office suit for RHEL 6.3/6.2/6.1/6/5.9/5.8, CentOS 6.3/6.2/6.1/6/5.9/5.8 and Fedora 18,17,16,15,14,13,12 using LibreOffice RPM packages. LibreOffice is similar to Microsoft Office, but it has much advanced features and highly skinned user interface and it’s really a worth by giving it a try.

Install LibreOffice in Linux

Install LibreOffice in Linux

What Is LibreOffice?

LibreOffice is an open source and much powerful personal productivity office suit for Linux, Windows & Mac, that provides feature rich functions for word document, data processing, spreadsheets, presentation, drawing, Calc, Math and much more. LibreOffice has large number of satisfied users across the globe with almost 7.5 million downloads as of now. It supports more than 30 languages and runs on all major operating systems.

LibreOffice 4.0.2 Features

This new version has tons of new features and incremental improvements. Some key features includes.

  1. PDF Export with Watermark option

  2. Support for Word Count

  3. 10 improved master pages

  4. Support for SmartArt import

  5. CSV file import improvements

There are plenty of new features added in this release and can be fount at Features and Fixes.

LibreOffice 4.0.2 Requirements

  1. Kernel 2.6 or higher version

  2. glibc 2.5 or higher version

  3. gtk version 2.10 or higher

  4. Minimum 256MB and recommended 512MB RAM

  5. 1.55GB available Hard disk space

  6. Desktop (Gnome or KDE)

Install LibreOffice 4.0.2 on RHEL/CentOS and Fedora

The installation instructions provided here are for LibreOffice 4.0.2 using language US English on a 32-Bit system. For 64-Bit systems, there will be minor differences in directory names, but the installation process is same and hope the installation instructions provide here are not so difficult.

Step 1: Downloading LibreOffice 4.0.2

Select the package for download based on your system bit (i.e. for a 32-bit or 64-bit) using Wget command.

For RHEL/CentOS/Fedora 32-Bit

# cd /tmp
# wget

For RHEL/CentOS/Fedora 64-Bit

# cd /tmp
# wget

Step 2: Removing Old OpenOffice Version

If any previously installed LibreOffice or OpenOffice versions you have, remove it using following command.

# yum remove**

Step 3: Extracting LibreOffice 4.0.2 Package

After downloading the LibreOffice 4.02 package, use Tar command to extract it under /tmp directory or in a directory of your choice.

## For 32-Bit OS ##
# tar -xvf LibreOffice_4.0.2_Linux_x86_rpm.tar.gz

## For 64-Bit OS ##
# tar -xvf LibreOffice_4.0.2_Linux_x86-64_rpm.tar.gz

Step 4: Installing LibreOffice 4.0.2 Package

After extracting the package, you will get a directory and under this there will be a sub-directory called RPMS. Now, run the following command to install it.

## For 32 Bit OS ##
# cd /tmp/LibreOffice_4.0.2.2_Linux_x86_rpm/RPMS/
# yum localinstall *.rpm
# yum localinstall desktop-integration/libreoffice4.0-freedesktop-menus-4.0.2*.noarch.rpm

## For 64 Bit OS ##
# cd /tmp/LibreOffice_4.0.2.2_Linux_x86-64_rpm/RPMS/
# yum localinstall *.rpm
# yum localinstall desktop-integration/libreoffice4.0-freedesktop-menus-4.0.2*.noarch.rpm

Step 5: Starting LibreOffice 4.0.2 Package

Once the installation process completes you will have LibreOffice icons in your desktop under Applications –> Office menu or start the application by executing the following command on the terminal.

# libreoffice4.0

Step 6: Screenshots of LibreOffice 4.0.2

Please see the attached screenshots of LibreOffice 4.0.2 application under my CentOS 6.3.

LibreOffice Welcome Screen

LibreOffice Welcome Screen

LibreOffice 4.0.2

LibreOffice 4.0.2

LibreOffice Textsheet

LibreOffice Textsheet

LibreOffice Spreadsheet

LibreOffice Spreadsheet

LibreOffice Presentation

LibreOffice Presentation1

LibreOffice Drawing

LibreOffice Drawing

Step 7: Installing a Language Pack

If you would like to install LibreOffice in your preferred language, you should select your language pack for installation. The installation instructions can be fount at Language Pack section.

tar -xvf LibreOffice_4.0.2_Linux_x86_rpm.tar.gz

Install LibreOffice 4.0.2 on RHEL/CentOS 6.3/5.9 and Fedora 18/12

Install LibreOffice 4.0.2 on RHEL/CentOS 6.3/5.9 and Fedora 18/12
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