You can use netcat (nc) to open a port in linux machines.
# nc -k -l 1000 -------- port number 1000 is open in local machine
it can manipulate, create or read/ write TCP/IP connections.
File transfer
Copy a large folder over a raw tcp connection. The transfer is very quick (no protocol overhead) and you don't need to mess up with NFS or SMB or FTP or so, simply make the file available on the server, and get it from the client. Here is the server IP address.
server# tar -cf - -C VIDEO_TS . | nc -l -p 4444
# Serve tar folder on port 4444
client# nc 4444 | tar xpf - -C VIDEO_TS
# Pull the file on port 4444
server# cat largefile | nc -l 5678 # Server a single file
client# nc 5678 > largefile # Pull the single file
server# dd if=/dev/da0 | nc -l 4444 # Server partition image
client# nc 4444 |dd of=/dev/da0
# Pull partition to clone
client# nc 4444 |dd of=da0.img # Pull partition to file
Chat feature using nc
google and yahoo can chat over a simple TCP socket. The text is transferred with the enter key.
google# nc -lp 4444
yahoo # nc 4444
# nc -k -l 1000 -------- port number 1000 is open in local machine
it can manipulate, create or read/ write TCP/IP connections.
File transfer
Copy a large folder over a raw tcp connection. The transfer is very quick (no protocol overhead) and you don't need to mess up with NFS or SMB or FTP or so, simply make the file available on the server, and get it from the client. Here is the server IP address.
server# tar -cf - -C VIDEO_TS . | nc -l -p 4444
# Serve tar folder on port 4444
client# nc 4444 | tar xpf - -C VIDEO_TS
# Pull the file on port 4444
server# cat largefile | nc -l 5678 # Server a single file
client# nc 5678 > largefile # Pull the single file
server# dd if=/dev/da0 | nc -l 4444 # Server partition image
client# nc 4444 |dd of=/dev/da0
# Pull partition to clone
client# nc 4444 |dd of=da0.img # Pull partition to file
Chat feature using nc
google and yahoo can chat over a simple TCP socket. The text is transferred with the enter key.
google# nc -lp 4444
yahoo # nc 4444
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