Install New Versions of NITRUX and INX Icons Themes From PPA in Ubuntu/Linux Mint
NITRUX and INX icons themes have been updated to version 3.0.3 and 0.6 respectively. In this tutorial we will see how to install them from PPA in the following Ubuntu/Linux Mint distributions:
- Ubuntu 13.04/12.10/12.04
- Linux Mint 14/13
A. Changes in Inx Icons:
- Revised Icons.
- New Icons: GIMP, Categories [System], Dropbox, Minitube.
PPA Installation:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:upubuntu-com/icons2
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install inx-icons
Use GNOME TWeak Tool to enable it, or enter this command on the terminal:
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface icon-theme ‘iNX-GTK’
B. Changes in Nitrux OS Icons:
- Icons that has been revised are as follows: Folders, LO apps, Categories [Multimedia, Science, System], Darktable, Pinta, GIMP, Calculator, Medit, WPS Office, Wingpanel, UbuntuOne Music Store, Session icons, Nautilus symbolic icons, Keyboard settings.
- Fixes: Fixed memory usage by adding a cache file
- New Icons: Rapid Photo Downloader, VirtualBox mimes, WPS Office mimes.
PPA Installation:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:upubuntu-com/nitrux
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install nitruxos
Enable the icon theme with this command:
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface icon-theme ‘NITRUX’
For the buttonized version, enter this command:
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface icon-theme ‘NITRUX-Buttons’
Install New Versions of NITRUX and INX Icons Themes From PPA in Ubuntu/Linux Mint
Install New Versions of NITRUX and INX Icons Themes From PPA in Ubuntu/Linux Mint
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