9 things to consider while migrating from Windows to Linux

migrate windows to linux 

9 things to consider while migrating from Windows to Linux

Windows and Linux are paradoxical since long time. Many people still think Linux is a obscure operating system while windows can be though as docile kind of operating system. Linux users receive accolade from the majority of the people. Linux users are often treat as a “geek” or “nerd” in the society. If you are also Linux user you might have use windows in some point of your life. It feels terrible when you first switch to Linux.  It will be difficult to stick to Linux  If you have used it due to some obligation like it’s the part of study in your curriculum, or you want to give a try to make your computer virus free. The difficulties may arise while migrating from windows to Linux. To minimize this complexity I have illustrated 9 things that you should consider while migrating.

Please Note: This post doesn’t  illustrate Linux or windows server.

1. Linux is not windows

linux not windows

Don’t confuse yourself, Linux is not a windows. Linux is a completely different operating system that has many different things than windows. Most people tend to make similar mistake. Here are certain things you need to know

  • Linux have different file system than windows.

  • Windows binary file(.exe) doesn’t work on Linux unless you use wine or similar application.

  • Linux is not an operating system.

2. Know the reason why you are migrating to Linux.

why linux

Ask yourself what makes you to turn into Linux from windows.  Here are few reasons why you should know facts.

  • There are 100′s of Linux distribution, finding out the appropriate reason  to switch to Linux might help you to choose suitable distro for your needs.

  • There are different way you can install Linux in your system. You can use it as: Primary operating system, dual booted with windows, install like a program in windows(Ubuntu, mint), live CD. If you just want to use Linux to give a try, you can run a live CD and see the overall preview. If you have plan to migrate to Linux but want to use windows at somepoint try dual booting or use wubi(ubuntu and mint). If you are completely ready to migrate to Linux, you can install it as primary operating system.

  • Don’t switch to Linux for stupid reasons.

3. Prepare yourself to dump some window’s application and games.

dump windows software

Yes, Linux has wine to install some of the windows application sand games. I still remember when I launch some game in my Ubuntu 10.10 and was extremely delightful. Linux doesn’t support windows file.  Even though wine support various application, there is still chances that most of the windows application might not run in linux. You must prepare yourself to find alternative application for your need.

4. Pick up your favorite desktop environment

Linux desktop environment

Its not compulsory but I recommend everyone to do a little research on different desktop environment that Linux offer. There is GNOME, KDE, xfce. mate, cinnamon, razor qt, Lxde and lot more. Since you are migrating to Linux you have plenty of choice. Each distribution adopt different desktop environment example Linux mint has mate and cinnamon. Ubuntu has unity, Debian has Gnome 2. Fedora has Gnome 3. Each distro comes with it’s default desktop environment but can be changed. For example Ubuntu 12.04 comes with Unity but one can easily install Gnome 3 in Ubuntu.

5 Learn Few Linux Command


I’ts a tedious things for those who use computing just for daily uses. Linux command are not mandatory. You can do various usual things with GUI. Sometimes command are handy. In some cases, it can do various things a lot faster than GUI.

6. Learn to use resources.

user resources

Linux got fabulous community. People are helping around to sort out your difficulty. Each Linux distribution offers a forum where you can ask any relevant question or search the archive to find the necessary solution of your problem. Be precise and learn to use it. The next useful resources is IRC chat.

 7. Learn about Linux file system


File system in Linux is different than windows. When you have migrated from windows to Linux various question may rises. Learning about Linux file system might make your task easier in several way.

8. Find alternative software for Linux

Linux have lot of alternative to windows software. Good news, the alternative are free software. Try to note down the one that you need. Finding an open source application for your need might helps you to convert yourself to Linux in short period of time. The are are several website where you can find the alternative software for commercial software. Some of them are:

9. Learn to install application

Installating application in Linux is different than windows. The installation method is completely different from different distro unless you install from source file , .bin, or.sh file. Here are the few way to install File in Linux

Final Conclusion: Migrating from windows to Linux won’t be tough if you consider the above point. The right choice of distribution for your need might help you to make more comfortable while migration. At some point of life, you will make a decision to use Linux as your primary operating system.

9 things to consider while migrating from Windows to Linux

9 things to consider while migrating from Windows to Linux
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