Sharing Files and Folders between Ubuntu11.04 (host) and Windows Virtual Machine

1. After Installing VirtualBox,install VM virtual-box-guest-add-on before continuing.

2. To do so boot the windows virtual machine which is inside the HOST Ubuntu machine, Then go to "Devices" Tab and click "Install Guest additions".
    This will download and install addition into the windows xp virtual machine.

3. Shut down the VM and click on setting on the Virtual Box. Then the Setting for Windows VM will be displayed.

4. Click on Shared Folders in the given list of settings. You can see already shared folders if any. else add a share folder.

5. After that Click On "ADD SHARED FOLDER" button to add a new shared folder. When clicking the button a new window appear, Drop down in FOLDER PATH: and select <others> option from it and Browse the folder you want to share with windows VM and then click ok. And then Enable AUTO MOUNT option and click ok. Then the folder is added in the list of shared files and folder. And then Restart the Virtual machine again.

6. Map Network Drive and enable sharing between Windows and Linux.
    Go to my-computer, then Click on tools and then go to Map Network Drive.
    Under Map Network Drive window assign the drive name,Click on browse button, then expand the “Virtualbox shared folder” then expand “\\vboxsvr” and then select the drive path for the folder you want to share and then click ok.

What ever we stored in this folder can access both in linux and in windows as well, ie, from Host and from Guest.

The shared folder is now displayed as a network drive in your virtual machine, windows.

We can access this test folder from linux as well as from windows machines.

 To Remove this shared folder
1. Poweroff the virtual machine again. Go to "Settings", "Shared Folders", select the share and click the tab "Remove the Shared Folder".

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