Freeware system optimization and privacy tool that erases Internet history and other unused files, and cleans up orphaned registry entries. Registry cleaner to locate and correct problems in the Windows registry, such as missing references to shared DLLs, unused registration entries for file extensions, and missing references application paths.
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Features of Ccleaners:
CCleaner supports the cleaning of temporary or potentially unwanted files left by certain programs, including Internet Explorer, Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera, Safari, Windows Media Player, eMule, Google Toolbar, Netscape, Microsoft Office, Nero, Adobe Acrobat, Mcafee, Adobe Flash Player, Sun Java, WinRAR, WinAce, WinZip, GIMP and other applications along with browsing history, cookies, Recycle bin, memory dumps, file fragments, log files, system caches, application data, autocomplete form history, and various other data.
New in v3.18.1707 - Added support for Firefox 12 final release.
- Added support for Google Chrome 20.0 beta.
- Added multi-select to detailed results view.
- Improved support for Internet Explorer 64-bit Add-ons.
- Improved folder detection algorithm for cleaning items.
- Improved scrolling interface for Include/Excluding dialogs.
- Improved compatibility with Windows 7 alt-tab functionality.
- Improved user interface for Drive Wiper Tool.
- Added support for Opera Portable.
e.g. CustomLocation1=OPERA|T:\OperaPortable\Data\profile
- Added cleaning for Corel VideoStudio Pro X5, MS Security Client and GIMP 2.8.
- Improved cleaning for OpenOffice 3, AIMP 3.
- Minor GUI improvements.
- Minor bug fixes.
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Buy Professional or Business Pack for More Features.
Features of Ccleaners:
CCleaner supports the cleaning of temporary or potentially unwanted files left by certain programs, including Internet Explorer, Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera, Safari, Windows Media Player, eMule, Google Toolbar, Netscape, Microsoft Office, Nero, Adobe Acrobat, Mcafee, Adobe Flash Player, Sun Java, WinRAR, WinAce, WinZip, GIMP and other applications along with browsing history, cookies, Recycle bin, memory dumps, file fragments, log files, system caches, application data, autocomplete form history, and various other data.
New in v3.18.1707 - Added support for Firefox 12 final release.
- Added support for Google Chrome 20.0 beta.
- Added multi-select to detailed results view.
- Improved support for Internet Explorer 64-bit Add-ons.
- Improved folder detection algorithm for cleaning items.
- Improved scrolling interface for Include/Excluding dialogs.
- Improved compatibility with Windows 7 alt-tab functionality.
- Improved user interface for Drive Wiper Tool.
- Added support for Opera Portable.
e.g. CustomLocation1=OPERA|T:\OperaPortable\Data\profile
- Added cleaning for Corel VideoStudio Pro X5, MS Security Client and GIMP 2.8.
- Improved cleaning for OpenOffice 3, AIMP 3.
- Minor GUI improvements.
- Minor bug fixes.
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