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How to add Extra storage in Virtual BoxYou can add extra storage by following the steps and after adding the new partitioned space, format … Read More...
Bandwidth Monitoring using cbmthe Color Bandwidth Meter — displays the current traffic on all network devices.# sudo apt-get insta… Read More...
Network monitoring using tcptracktcptrack is a sniffer which displays information about TCP connections it sees on a network interfac… Read More...
How to create an instance in Amazon AWSIf the current AWS set up is running with Instance-store root devices, then this means it does not h… Read More...
Amazon AWS Tips1. Explain Elastic Block Storage? What type of performance can you expect? H… Read More...
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Sharing Files and Folders between Ubuntu11.04 (host) and Windows Virtual Machine1. After Installing VirtualBox,install VM virtual-box-guest-add-on before continuing.2. To do so boo… Read More...
Monitoring bandwidth using iftopiftop does for network usage what top does for CPU usage. It listens to network traffic on a named i… Read More...
Bandwidth monitoring using bwm-ngsmall and simple console-based bandwidth monitor.Bandwidth Monitor NG is a small and simple console-… Read More...
How to add a new user in ubuntu# sudo useradd -d /home/scott -m scottChanging default shell in ubuntu 2. Use chsh commanda) type ch… Read More...