Install ubuntu-tweak in Ubuntu 10.04

Ubuntu Tweak is an application designed to config Ubuntu easier for everyone. It provides many useful desktop and system options that the default desktop environment doesn’t provide. At present, it’s only designed for the Ubuntu GNOME Desktop, and always follows the newest Ubuntu distribution.
Features of Ubuntu Tweak

* View of Basic System Information(Distribution, Kernel, CPU, Memory, etc.)
* GNOME Session Control
* Auto Start Program Control
* Quick install popular applications
* A lot of third-party sources to keep applications up-to-date
* Clean unneeded packages or cache to free disk space
* Show/Hide and Change Splash screen
* Show/Hide desktop icons or Mounted Volumes
* Show/Hide/Rename Computer, Home, Trash or Network icon
* Tweak Metacity Window Manager’s style and behaviour
* Compiz Fusion settings, Screen Edge Settings, Window Effect Settings, Menu Effect Settings
* Set the Shortcuts to archive quicker access your favourite applications
* GNOME Panel Settings
* Nautilus Settings
* Advanced Power Management Settings
* System Security Settings
* And many other in process…

Install ubuntu-tweak in Ubuntu 10.04

Open the terminal and run the following commands

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:tualatrix/ppa

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install ubuntu-tweak

Using Ubuntu Tweak

You can open from Applications--->System Tools--->Ubuntu Tweak

Ubuntu Tweak is loading

Login Settings screen

Source editor screen

GNOME Settings screen

Computer details screen

Nautilus Settings screen

Ubuntu tweak version details

Default folder location screen

Source :
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