For High speed file transfer

Use lftp for high speed file transfer between servers or systems. It support both httpd and ftp.

lftp via httpd

#  lftp -e 'pget -n 30 SM10.77_Linux_32bit_x86_SMIA-10.77.x5.28.tgz'

This will get the file of high size very fast in locally. We can move it in remote servers as well, note that the file must be place in the apache document root.

lftp via ftp

# lftp -e 'pget -n 30 CentOS-5.6-i386-bin-DVD.iso'

put the package in /var/ftp.

we can also mention username and passeord alson with lftp.

# lftp -u 'ctechz,blogspot' -e 'pget -n 30 package'

we can adjust the speed rates by changing 30 to some other numbers.

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